Roger Allersand and Rob Minkoff directed the Disney animated film, The Lion King. The particular song I'll be talking about, "Circle of Life", composed by Elton John and composed by Hans Zimmer, plays at the beginning of the film and serves as Simba's introduction to the animal kingdom and the audience watching him. . The scene begins with sunrise and then cuts to numerous different shots of animals from across the animal kingdom, including rhinos, meerkats, cheetahs, and more. They all appear to be heading towards the same location, which is then shown as a plateau guarded by a mountain ledge. The focus then shifts to little Simba who is preparing to be introduced to the rest of the kingdom. Simba is then pushed skyward, which leads the other animals to celebrate wildly, and then the scene ends. In this article I will show that the texture of the music, through the use of different musical techniques, is essential in creating the particular setting and atmosphere of this scene. The first musical component I will talk about is the voice heard in the song. . At the beginning of this song, a rising sun is shown in the image track. To give us clues as to where this is happening, a form of verbal singing is played at the beginning. This chant has a tribal feeling, telling us we are looking at a rural area rather than a metropolitan area. This describes to the audience the setting of the rest of the song along with the rest of the film. Singing also follows a call and response pattern, which can be heard when the other group of voices responds to that voice. As the song progresses, an African choir can be heard, and when they... middle of paper... were highlighted in this song using many different aspects of music closely related to Africa, including the African Zulu drums and songs. The song did well to connect the different parts of animal society and I also think that the choice of the Zulu language was good. This language has a great rhythm when sung, which creates a great atmosphere of positive thoughts and hope. Through the use of different musical techniques including dynamics, tone choice, call and response pattern and rhythm, this song was able to enhance the film by establishing important aspects of this film This song does very well at create an atmosphere and setting for this song and the film that couldn't be created by images. The positive and uplifting vibe of the song is very important as it helps show the hope and inspiration that Simba brings to the rest of the animal kingdom.