It is celebrated on the 15th of Tishri, five days after the observance of Yom Kippur (Wealth). Furthermore, this holiday is joyous and reminds Jewish followers of their ancestors who wandered the deserts where they lived in “temporary shelters” (Ricchi). Additionally, no work is done on the first two days of the holiday, however, work may resume on the next five (Rich). Additionally, a sukkah is built and used during the holidays as a temporary shelter just as their ancestors used in the desert (Rich). The Hallel prayer is performed during this festival with the Arba Minim which consists of different plants specified by the Sukkot blessing and waved in six different directions (Ricco). Hannukkah, one of the most popular holidays known in the Jewish faith, begins on the 25th day of Kislev and is "also known as the festival of lights" (Ricco). This holiday is taken from the "book of Maccabees" and many Jews do not believe in it because it is not a Hebrew scripture (Ricco). Additionally, one of the most recognized items of this holiday is the menorah which contains special candles that are lit according to the holiday (Rich). Also, traditional music and the game called dreidel were played in this period