When Hitler was "fixing" Germany, he decided to punish those who: challenged him for political power and were Jews. Hitler also had the power to decide what to teach young people. When Hitler came to power, he decided to control what kind of education should be taught to young Germans. One thing in particular that was taught to young Germans was discipline for boys and domestic duties for girls. Hitler would use harsh punishment for those who challenged him for political power and for those who were Jewish. To punish these people he decided to resort to terror, violence, torture and executions (Life under Adolf Hitler – A Totalitarian Regime, 1999). Hitler had created concentration camps which were poor quality prisons and Hitler had placed groups inside the prison including the Jews and Hitler decided to put the Jews in because he blamed them for the Treaty of Versailles. When Hitler took power in Germany, he strictly controlled businesses, only letting them operate if they spoke well or supported the Nazi Party. While Hitler was in power, he brought mass destruction to those who took away what Germany had taken away when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. As Hitler took power over Germany, he brought mass destruction to certain groups of people, controlled business, and also controlled