Topic > Classroom Placement of Students with ADD/ADHD - 1729

Contemporary students with learning disabilities such as ADD/ADHD are continually perceived as unable to adapt to a traditional classroom environment with students who do not have learning disabilities. As a result, many students with learning disabilities are placed in classes intended only for students with learning disabilities. Schools use a non-inclusive environment when students with learning disabilities such as ADD/ADHD are placed in a “special classroom” with other students with learning disabilities. This non-inclusive classroom placement causes many students with learning disabilities to perform worse academically and socially than they would have if they had been placed in an inclusive environment. By definition, students with ADD/ADHD placed in an inclusive environment are seated in the same classroom with students who do not have ADD/ADHD. Students with ADD/ADHD who receive special support in regular classes succeed academically and socially more often than students with ADD/ADHD who attend special classes. Variables that influence the academic progress of a student with a learning disability with ADD/ADHD in an inclusive or non-inclusive setting include parental relationship, student mental level, and gender (Myklebust 76-81). Indeed, the parental relationship affects students with ADD/ADHD in both school contexts. For example, an unstable marriage or divorce negatively affects a student academically by impacting the child's self-esteem. Shockingly, some parents with children with learning disabilities promote helplessness by having low expectations of them. However, studies have shown that parents tend to view their child's failure as a revelation of the child's true potential, while viewing the student's success as mere luck (Smith and Strick 84-85). For example...... half of the document ......ntion of students with special educational needs." Educational Review 62.1 (2010): 1-37. Academic search completed. Web. 6 February 2012. Rusch, Frank R. Beyond High School: Preparing Teens for Tomorrow's Challenges. 2nd ed.: Pearson Education, 2008. Print.Smith, Corinee, and Lisa Strick: A to Z: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents Learning Disabilities Age preschool to adulthood. New York: Free Press, 1997. Print.Sosin, David and Myra Sosin Attention Deficit Disorder: Teacher Created Materials, 1996. 1-15 higher: Do students with learning disabilities achieve more in one classroom placement than another?". Education and Treatment of Children (ETC) 31.1 (2008): 55-72 Full text Mega (H.W. Wilson).. 2012.