Eating disorders can lead you to have a negative body image or simply or, on the contrary, the reverse body image can lead you to have an eating disorder. Eating disorders are really harmful to your health. Body image is something that many people suffer from. They are both huge health problems that affect most teenagers and young adults today. If you suffer from an eating disorder caused by the fact that for whatever reason you didn't like the shape of your body. Most of the time you suffer from an eating disorder because you are trying to get your body into the shape you feel it needs, even if the people around you don't see it that way. But this is not always the case, there are people who go on a diet. People go on diets to reduce or gain weight or to have a healthier body, but it's different because they continue to eat things that help their body. On the other hand, not eating well or not eating at all are symptoms of an eating disorder. Body image is almost the same thing as eating disorders, except most of it comes from your perspective