No one in my immediate family smokes, but my dad and boyfriend both chew tobacco, so I'm looking at it from a different perspective. My father, 41, and my boyfriend, 21, both suffered chewing gum injuries. From a nursing perspective, I try to tell them that mouth or esophageal cancer is likely to occur and I don't want that to happen to any of my loved ones. If tobacco were banned, both my father and my boyfriend would have to stop chewing and the risk of cancer would decrease. Statistics show that men are more likely to smoke or use tobacco, which will ultimately cause more cases of cancer in these men since there are more smokers (Hirschfelder, 2010). There's a breakdown with my dad and my boyfriend because they both got addicted to nicotine, so if they were to quit there would be bad feelings everywhere. When they both chew it calms them down, so at the same time I don't like them chewing, I don't say much because if they don't chew they're in a bad mood. So, looking at both sides, it is not good to use tobacco, however once someone uses it for a while, they need it for daily life. Even in this case I think it is a right to freedom, but at a certain point there will have to be a law that helps the citizens of the country to be able to become