Topic > I go in the perspective of critical regionalism:...

Through this article, a comparative representation on the definition and context of the evolution of critical regionalism will be explored. Furthermore, through this essay, the arguments on how the architectural approach of "Ando" is "critical regionalist" will be significantly examined. The definition of critical regionalism is a direct approach to architecture that strives to oppose "placelessness" and the apparent lack of identity and character in modern architecture through the use of the geographical context of the building. The term “critical regionalism” was first established as a concept in the 1980s through articles written by Tzonis, Lefaivre, and Kenneth Frampton. Throughout Frampton's writings he mentions and somewhat commemorates Tadao Ando as a critical regionalist and uses specific progress as a theory to discuss Ando's architecture (Frampton, 1983). Regardless of this "label", Tadao Ando has not used the term "critical regionalism" in relation to his work, nor has he made any objections to the term that has been applied to him. Furthermore, Frampton's article “Towards a Critical Regionalism” does not mention Ando and this provokes a number of questions as to whether an appropriate term to describe Ando's architecture is “critical regionalist” (Frampton, 1983). Furthermore, an alternative label, “concrete regionalist,” was conceived and formulated by Catherine Slessor, currently editor of Architectural Review (Slessor, 2000). This expression “concrete regionalist” illustrates Ando's rather poetic and insightful adaptation of concrete with reference to the context of the local area, thus reducing the "critical" characteristics of Ando's theoretical and practical approach towards architecture (2000 , p..... .. half of the sheet...... critical history' – Kenneth Frampton 'Towards a critical regionalism' - Kenneth Frampton 'The geometry of human space' – Tadao Ando 'Literary histories of border, globalization and critical regionalism' - José E. Limón 'The ends of the earth: critical regionalism as an aesthetics of the singular' - Warwick Mules 'Tadao Ando: The Yale Studio and Current Works' – Kenneth Frampton 'Shaking the Foundations: Japanese Architects in Dialogue' - Christophe Knabe and Joerg Rainer Noennig. 'The Japanese New Wave' - Kenneth Frampton 'Towards a critical regionalism: six points for an architecture of resistance' - Kenneth Frampton 'Concrete regionalism' - Catherine Slessor  'Universal Civilization and National Cultures' - Paul Ricoeur 'The Grid and the Path' - Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre 'The South in Architecture' - Lewis Mumford