They were there for me when I was feeling sad or needed help writing an article or they were just there for moral support. I these are my closest friends, they are really my group friends for me they gave me the confidence to be a kind, honest and caring person. I was also going to think about an identity crisis, I was unsure of how I saw myself in the moratorium state and I really didn't know what I was like politically or sexually, but when friends were there for me when I needed help the most and they were there to talk about it and they were there to support me when I found out I was bisexual. It was hard for me to be bisexual in my small town, but I was really wearing a medical "mask", but at school I could be whoever I wanted without any repercussions. I actually don't fully know who I am yet, but I'm still exporting that path. By traveling and learning about the world outside of my city, I have now achieved my sexual identity, and it's ok to be different from everyone else