Charlotte Perkins Gilman's story The Yellow Wall-paper was written in a time of great controversy and change. In the early/mid-19th century, domestic ideology: related ideas that viewed the family home as the particular domain of women, idealizing that the woman in the home was naturally weaker (both physically and intellectually) and less capable of caring of himself. themselves in the hard, harsh public sphere; positions middle-class American women as the spiritual and moral leaders of their home. Such separate spheres suggested that a woman's place was only in the private area of the home, where she was expected to fulfill her roles as wife and mother. Instead, men were thought to govern the public domain through work, politics, and economics. This way of thinking led Gilman to aspire to influence and change the ideology of the time through The Yellow Wall-paper. The Yellow Wall-paper was a direct reflection of what Gilman's life was like and how she felt after she was diagnosed. As Gilman wrote, “Sometimes I get unreasonably angry at John. I'm sure I've never been so sensitive. I think it's due to this nervous condition." It shows how Gilman felt about her husband, Charles Stetson, when he didn't understand what he was going through. Like John in the story, Stetson repeatedly told his wife to take things slowly and not work too hard: "Her husband and mother were convinced that Gilman needed rest and willpower to overcome his depression." They couldn't understand how the depression affected her or what made her feel better or worse. The main problem he encountered time and time again was making someone understand him. In The Yellow Wall-paper, “John doesn't know how much I really suffer. He knows that there is no middle ground for anyone to live with or even be close to. It affects everyone. Her story is directly connected to her life and how she felt trapped in her mind despite it all. Whether he tried to ask for help or follow his prescription, everything failed. He was ahead of his time knowing that these prescribed techniques didn't work at all. Gilman simply wrote The Yellow Wall-paper in hopes of saving others from what he had been through and convincing his doctors that they were wrong and to stop recommending the rest cure. Gilman succeeded in changing the way of thinking of her era; her doctor even changed her treatment for neurasthenia after reading her story. Works Cited Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The yellow wallpaper." The language of literature. American literature. By Arthur N. Applebee. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2006. 766-78. Press.