INVEST IN TODAY'S STUDENTS... THEY ARE TOMORROW'S LEADERS"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Transcendental Meditation is much more than an idea: it is a powerful and proven technology for unlocking our most precious natural resource: the human mind. It's a technology whose time has come. The whole society is already improving: the future will be even brighter.” - Robert Roth We live in a society where students are challenged by technology and manipulated by the media, but are expected to focus, sit still, stay focused, and pay attention at the same time. Stress in the classroom is creating problems in education, including poor academic achievement, anxiety, depression and violence. In the book Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Robert M. Sapolsky, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, enumerated the many ways in which brain function breaks down when subjected to chronic stress: "The neurons in the hippocampus do not function better”, “neural neurons no longer function well” networks are disconnected”, “the birth of new neurons is inhibited” and “hippocampal neurons are endangered”. chronic stress will have difficulty learning new things and storing new material in memory ("Stress and Your Child's Brain"). Often, because stress is so common that it can be overlooked, it is about neglecting stress and anxiety This causes many of the problems in classrooms today. Researchers have found that a specific meditation called Transcendental Meditation (TM) reduces stress and anxiety in students. Studies show that if the Transcendental Meditation technique is implemented into the school curriculum American public stress and anxiety levels in students will decrease and with...... half of document ......4361a, 1976. Works Cited"9 Reasons Why Meditation Should Be Allowed in Public Schools." The Daily Heal (2006): 1. Print.Cranson, Robert W., Jayne Gackenbach, Michael C. Dillbeck, Christopher H. Jones, Charles N. Alexander, and David W. Orme-Johnson "Transcendental Meditation and Improved Performance Measures Related to intelligence: a longitudinal study." Personality and Individual Differences 12.10 (1991): 1105-116. Network. March 20, 2012.Roth, Robert. Introduction. Transcendental Meditation. New York: DI Fine, 1987. 5-63. Print."Stress and your child's brain." Great Schools. Network. March 20, 2012. "The Transcendental Meditation Program." Research on Transcendental Meditation. Network. March 19. 2012. .