Learning Disabilities Unlike other disabilities an individual may have, there is no quick and easy way to confirm or deny a learning disability. There are no x-rays, no blood tests, no quick and easy surveys to help educators determine if a learning disability exists. Many of the challenges in identifying and caring for children with learning disabilities stem from knowledge of various learning disabilities and how they affect students. The lack of information available to parents and teachers means that students continue to struggle in school and the diagnosis of any disabilities is delayed further into their education. Finding reliable sources of information about learning disabilities is difficult. The topic is broad, and many of the people offering information on the topic are doctors or education professionals. Similar to the medical field, opinions and research findings in the educational field vary greatly between researchers and what those researchers are attempting to discover or reveal. The term “learning disability” applies to a multitude of different disabilities. This term can refer to a specific disorder, a specific disability, or a specific weakness within a student. Using the term learning disability is similar to grouping all people living in the United States as Americans. An important point about learning disabilities is that they can occur with other disorders such as ADD or ADHD. This does not mean that they occur with every disability, but they can be present or contribute to a learning disability (Horowitz, Ed. D and Golembeski, Ed. M. par 9). The common learning disability in reading is called dyslexia. Reading problems occur in a student when he has difficulty understanding... half of the paper... basic information. March 16, 2012. Kemp, MA, Gina, Melinda Smith, MA, and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. HelpGuide.org. January 2012. http://www.helpguide.org/mental/learning_disabilities.htm. March 2012.Pellegrina, Fionna. disTalk. July 24, 2009. http://www.dystalk.com/talks/85-the-7-causes-of-dysgraphia. March 2012. Pirotte, O.D., FCOVD, Patrick J., Brandon R. Fisher, O.D., and Andrea J. Baker. Information network on children's vision. January 2011. http://www.childrensvision.com/. March 2012. Tian, Stan. Health Guide, Health Guide for Better Health. 2012. http://www.healthguidance.org/entry/12786/1/The-Causes-of-Dyspraxia.html. March 2012. Welding, Dr. Robert. MedicineNet.com, we bring you doctor knowledge. 2011. http://www.medicinenet.com/aphasia/page2.htm. March 2012.Wilson, Dr., Anna. About Dyscalculia. May 2007. http://www.aboutdyscalculia.org/causes.html. March 2012.