A hurricane is a tropical cyclone, with winds reaching over 74 miles per hour. In the Southern Hemisphere the hurricane circulates clockwise, while in the Northern Hemisphere it circulates counterclockwise. Hurricanes usually occur during the summer and fall seasons because that is when the water temperatures are warmest. There are various stages that a hurricane goes through to become a hurricane and there are also various ways to track it. The first phase of a hurricane is called a tropical disturbance. Wind speed is less than twenty-five miles per hour, with a light open circulation underway. Tropical disturbance consists of clouds, showers and thunderstorms, which remain intact for twenty-four hours or more. Tropical waves are the most common tropical disturbance, and about a hundred of them form each season. This wave usually develops about every four to five days. The second phase of a hurricane is called a tropical depression. During tropical depression the open circulation closes and the wind speed usually increases up to twenty degrees...