On March 1, 2005, I went to the Matheson 3rd District Courthouse in the center of town and attended some small claims court cases. I wanted to do this because I had never been to a real court proceeding and was interested in seeing one live instead of on television. I will write about the three different cases I was involved in, what the conflict was, what the outcome was, and what I learned from each. CASE #1 The name of the plaintiff in this first case was Watt. His case was that he had subleased a vehicle to Kapone and Kapone had breached the contract by not making payments for the vehicle, which ultimately affects the watt credit. Watt also filed criminal charges against Kapone for harassment and personal check theft that occurred in Las Vegas, Nevada. Watt took out a restraining order on Kapone. Watt wanted to get paid for his delinquent car payments. The defendant's name was Kapone and he was not present but submitted a letter to the judge. Although there was no signed contract in the letter, Kapone actually stated that he had a written contract. The judge ruled in Watt's favor in the amount of $764.56. You can never be careful enough when lending money to someone, even if it is a friend. In this case, things didn't go so well for Watt. He chose to take a risk and help Kapone, whether he was a friend or not, I don't know but he wasn't trustworthy and ended up costing ema Watt time....