These techniques are denial of responsibility, denial of harm, denial of the victim, condemnation of condemners, and appeal to higher loyalties (Olafson). Denial of responsibility, the act of placing the blame for situations on an uncontrollable external force, is the most common approach (Olafson). Students caught cheating academically often justify their illness, a family emergency, being too busy with an outside job, or too many tasks to handle in other courses that they are forced to neglect on one assignment. For Denial of Injury and Denial of Victim, students view cheating as harmless. College students know that cheating doesn't involve physical injury or make anyone's fault if no one finds out, so more cheating happens. According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 54% to 70% of students cheat during college life, but only a few actually get caught (Novotney). This is an example of a call to higher loyalty because college students are surrounded by their peers every day who many grew to respect and protect each other; As mentioned in the previous paragraph, if their peers have no problems with their cheating, then they recognize that cheating is normal behavior. Many students do not admit to cheating until they have finished college and/or have secured a stable career, so many studies are low