Topic > Human trafficking and its effects on women - 840

Imagine a perfect world; now take this so-called perfect world and think about the children who live in it. Think of a world where children and adults are trafficked and used for prostitution. How can this world be so cruel and ignorant as to take away the innocence of children? After all, this world isn't so perfect, is it? Human trafficking happens every day, even in America. Human trafficking, when prostitution is involved, occurs when women are sold for profit to be used for sexual intercourse. The exploitation of women for profit against their will creates violations of human rights, physical and mental well-being and involuntary detention. Because of the Bill of Rights in America, the loss of rights becomes a serious problem. When human trafficking is involved, the person has no way to say no because they are forced against their will. Kidnapped sex slaves are brutally beaten, raped, and starved to avoid fighting (Random History). Finding ways to end human trafficking, especially when it involves prostitution, will save women's rights because they will be able to consent to fornication. According to Ruth Rosenberg: Human trafficking by definition involves human beings. These are individuals who have been subjected to exploitation and serious human rights violations. While governments tend to worry about human trafficking primarily because of links between trafficking and other forms of organized crime, as well as fears of illegal immigration, trafficking is first and foremost a threat to people – men, women and children – victims of trafficking. (Rosenberg)If you knew the signs that human trafficking was occurring, then you would run the risk of innocent young women being kidnapped to be used as sex slaves against their will... half of the paper... the cnnfreedom project.>."Modern Slavery: Freeing the Slaves." Freeing the Slaves, 2007-2013. Network. 01 December 2013. "Prostitution: pros and cons." ProConorg and Web Headlines. November 30, 2013. .Rosenberg, Ruth. “Pros and Cons of Securitization of Human Trafficking.” Stop network traffic. Np, 2010. Web. 30 November 2013. "UNICEF - What we do." UNICEF - What we do. United Nations Children's Fund, 11 June 2003. Web. 30 November 2013. .United States. Office of Public Affairs. US Department of State. Np, nd Web. November 30. 2013. .