Topic > Three Theories of Class and Crime - 1015

The principle of empowerment lies in a woman's ability to control her own goals. In the 1970s, being an empowered woman was not an option. They did not have equal skills such as education to achieve literacy, health and equal access to resources and opportunities such as employment at the same wage as men. However, using these rights, skills, resources and opportunities to make deliberate decisions, such as providing management opportunities and involvement in political organisations, was not an option either. Women also wanted to live without the fear of pressure and violence, throwing out those historical times. Because the stereotype that women had to stay at home while men worked to provide for the family. These boundaries have made men the gatekeepers of what has been taught and understood about gender and the place of men and women in society. However, this perspective has changed over the years. Women have now emerged from the helpless confines of domestic life and have now been granted gender equality. Women in society today can now strengthen opportunities for adequate education, ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights, abolish gender discrimination in employment by decreasing the dependence of women as housewives as employment, increase women's share of seats in