Throughout the story, Yunior is exposed to male privilege and misled into defining masculinity through his father's actions. Yunior struggles with his exposure to male privilege in a Dominican family, as he is very sensitive. Yunior cannot fully understand why men took actions that women did not attempt to take. Papi, for example, made all the decisions in the family. “She and Uncle Miguel got an apartment in the Bronx, near the Grand Concourse, and everyone decided we should throw a party. In fact, my father decided...” (306). Papi decided that it was mandatory to organize a party for their arrival, but not at his expense or at home; Tia and Tío hosted him, even though it was Papi's decision. Male privilege is demonstrated in the way “the women prepared the food and, as always, no one except the children thanked them. It must be some Dominican tradition or something” (312). Instead of having both men and women prepare the food, it's just the women's job. Helping with preparations is not their responsibility, nor is it their responsibility to show appreciation with a sincere thank you. Junot Diaz provides a personal example about his family in his