As a Haitian immigrant, my parents and I spent family vacations in our hometown of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I would love to participate in family activities like card games, cooking and just the quality time we spent together. We could play these games and laugh with each other for hours, without a care in the world just telling jokes and listening to the oldest parables. In my family I felt untouchable. Like a tree in the wind, my only concerns were that of the breeze and the beauty of my foundation. As the wind swayed, I was overcome by a sense of peace. On January 12, 2010, while on vacation in Santo Domingo, DR. Tragedy struck and my solid foundation no longer held. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook and uprooted homes, workplaces and my sense of peace. After hearing the news of the earthquake, I rush to Port-au-Prince to check on my family. I was reassured that my family was safe and had no life-threatening injuries, but the same was not told to my grandfather's neighbor. Their neighbor suffered a head injury and a deep laceration...