Topic > Analyzing organizational behavior and cultural change...

A proposal to analyze organizational behavior and cultural change in General MotorsThe General Motors Company (GM) is an American multinational company that manufactures, designs, markets and distributes vehicles and vehicle parts and sells financial services. GM produces vehicles in 37 countries, selling and servicing them through thirteen brands such as Alpheon, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Holden, and Wuling (Our Company, 2014). GM is among the world's largest automakers by vehicle unit sales. It employs approximately 212,000 people working in 396 facilities spanning six continents and has 21,000 retailers worldwide (Our Company, 2014). In 2014, GM recalls led the industry to recall more than 27 million vehicles, approaching 30.8 million. It includes the organization's vision, values, norms, systems, beliefs and habits. While the challenge of changing organizational culture at GM is complex, it is not unattainable. To achieve the desired public image and acquire an organizational identity focused on quality and safety, qualitative research on GMO culture could be facilitated. Intertwined with the study of organizational culture is organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), which is the performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task execution occurs. OCBs have been found to be positively related to overall organizational effectiveness, unit-level performance, and customer satisfaction (Greenberg, j., 2013). A study of OCB in GM could help in the change it proposes to implement. GM could start by creating an environment where its employees are truly committed to its safety policy, while increasing their job satisfaction. Organizational justice and motivational theories, such as equity theory, can be used to achieve this goal (Greenberg, J., 2013). As GM seeks to get its employees to speak up, it could come up with a system where those who speak up will not only be recognized, but will also be rewarded with both tangible and intangible benefits.