The leading cause of death in America is lung cancer. Lung cancer is ranked among the top 10 deadly cancers in the United States. There are many ways to get lung cancer. There is radon gas that occurs naturally outdoors. Then there is secondhand smoke that comes from other people who smoke. People even get lung cancer from carcinogens, this happens because of carcinogens. You can also get it from air pollution indoors and outdoors. Additionally there are genetic mutations that form cells that cause cancer. Then there's what everyone blames for lung cancer is smoking. Lung cancer dates back to 1761 when it was called a disease. In 1878, only 1% of the population was thought to be affected. By the time 1900 came that figure had risen to 15%. In 1912, only 374 cases were filed. It wasn't until 1929 that smoking became a factor in lung cancer. Fritz Lickint was the first person to speak to the public about the dangers of smoking, which was part of a campaign to inform the world about the dangers of smoking. The surgeon general of the United States eventually recommended that people should quit smoking to improve their health. and well-being. In the 1950s, scientists introduced radical radiation therapy to reduce the size of cancer cells. Radon gas was found in 1870, when scientists were extracting minerals in the Ore Mountains in Schneeberg, Saxony. The area has a high radon content in the tunnels because the area has been mined since 1470. Scientists later discovered that 75% of the miners died of lung cancer, but the tunnels were only closed in 1950. The gas Radon is currently the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. They found that radon gas is harmless in small quantities, but sometimes concentrates in homes built on the ground with... half as much paper... per cubic meter of air. Although smokers can also live in more polluted areas, a large group of studies have shown that pollution can also increase the risk of cancer even for a non-smoker. Cancer cells are caused by genetic mutations. Scientists now know that some of the risk factors for lung cancer can cause certain changes in the DNA of lung cells. These changes can lead to abnormal cell growth and sometimes cancer. DNA is the chemical in each of our cells that makes up our genes and how our cells work. People usually look like their parents because they are the source of our DNA. But DNA influences more than our appearance; it can also influence the risk of developing some diseases, including some types of cancer such as lung cancer etc… Some people inherit DNA mutations from their parents which greatly increase the risk of developing certain cancers.