INTRODUCTION Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system and digital currency introduced as open source software in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a cryptographic currency because it uses cryptography to control the creation and transaction of money. It is created by a process in which the user can send and receive bitcoins using the “Wallet” software on a personal computer, mobile device, or any web application. Bitcoin can be earned in exchange for products, services or other currencies. Any transaction using bitcoin transfers ownership from one digital wallet address to another using bitcoin mining. Mining is the process of providing a synchronized and secure network system for transactions using computers and digital technology controlled by several “Data Centers”. It is designed to be completely decentralized with smaller data centers operating in all countries and no individual having control over the network. HISTORY OF BITCOIN The term "Bitcoin" was first described in 1998 by Mr. Wei Dai in a mailing list called "Cypherpunks" as a cryptocurrency. He suggested the idea of a new form of money that uses the cryptographic language of computing to control its creation and transactions with virtually no prior central authority. The first specification and proof of concept of bitcoin was published by a pseudonymous community called “Satoshi Nakamoto' in 2008 in the cryptography mailing list. In January 2009, Sitoshi Nakamoto issues the first bitcoin by creating an open source bitcoin client network with mining of the first bitcoin block, called the “genesis block” which had a reward of 50 bitcoins On August 15, 2010, over 184 billion bitcoins were generated in one transaction and sent to two addresses on the network… middle of paper. .. could become a rage when inflation rises to very high levels.high level or when the demand for money cannot be met by the central bank of each individual country. It is ironic that currency, first created by inflation man many thousands of years ago, can be replaced by something that was invented only 3 -4 years ago and that in an online currency. So, technological progress has made it possible to even replace something as important as currency. Although there is a recent bankruptcy contradiction in the bitcoin market, investors are trying to invest more and more in bitcoin. So, we can interpret that bitcoin will help make future transactions smooth, efficient and more productive. Bitcoin can be easily used as a digital currency in many African and Asian countries where the reliability of their national currency is very low due to severe economic conditions.