Why do millions of adults take naps? Isn't naptime just for toddlers? Wrong. Napping doesn't just help babies; it can also benefit adults too. Taking a nap is like taking painkillers. When you take painkillers, you don't feel the pain you had before. After a while you forget that the pain was there and everything goes back to normal. If you don't take the painkiller even if you are in extreme pain, you will be in pain and will also be distracted by how much pain you are in. The same goes with naps. After taking a nap, you don't feel as tired as before. You can then continue what you were doing before. If you don't take a nap even if you are exhausted, mentally or physically, you will be distracted and only think about sleeping. People should take naps to benefit from them throughout their day and life. Naps can improve performance, relieve stress and prevent obesity. Performance can be improved with a nap. Your performance is determined by how much energy you have. It's like how a phone uses the power it has. For example, I often get tired at the end of the school day and no longer have the energy to do my homework well. I can still do my homework, but it would be of very poor quality. By taking a nap, I can “recharge” and get the energy I need to do good work. This extra energy allows me to put more effort into doing my homework instead of just doing it without worrying about how well it is done. I can put more effort and energy into completing my tasks because I know I won't run out of energy anytime soon. The same goes for a telephone. The more power a phone has to use, the better it will perform as it knows it has a lot of power left in store and will not run out of power... middle of paper... I have very few people backing you up when you need it, for example example when you are a victim of bullying. Being overweight is something that can be prevented by taking a nap. Napping can help people, not just during the day, but throughout their lives. Taking a nap every day can improve your work ability by giving you more energy to use. Naps can also relieve anxiety and, therefore, allow you to think clearly when needed. One physical benefit of napping is that it can help you avoid becoming overweight and allow you to not have to experience its deadly effects. To get all these benefits, all you need to do is take a short afternoon nap and you will start to feel better mentally and physically. Works Cited “5 Surprising Ways Naps Improve Your Health” Caring.com, 2014. Web . March 5, 2014.< http://www.caring.com/articles/how-naps-improve-your-health>.