Learning in a changing world has led to a variety of learning experiences. The knowledge I have gained and theory I have completed through assessments, discussions and class assignments have broadened my understanding of learning. It is evident that the theoretical perspectives focused on this subject had a place in the process of my learning journey throughout the semester. Whether learning a new skill for an assessment, observing and assisting with placement teaching, or collaborative learning in tutorials, numerous theories connect to these learning experiences. The new skill I chose to learn for our assessment was playing the piano. , I wasn't entirely sure and confident that I would successfully acquire the skill. Balakrishnan and Claiborne (2012) mention Lev Vygotsky's term The More Knowledgeable Other (MKO), a person who has a higher ability and deeper understanding of a task, than the person who is learning the task. In my case my piano teacher was MKO and she used her knowledge to help me learn. I gain a better understanding of a task when I try a hands-on approach, which is why I was able to quickly learn to play a song on the piano. Gardner & Hatch (1989) talk about the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, including Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, which I experienced during my lessons, as I controlled movements and skillfully handled the piano. Heading into my last piano lessons I was proud of my efforts and improvements over the course of a few weeks and was interested in continuing once my evaluation was complete. Lawrence (2009) writes about the behaviorist BF Skinner and his theory of Operant Conditioning, when an individual performs a task and his actions are rewarded and this stimulates the...... half of the article ......participate hen collaborating with people in my community of practice I would not have a broader perspective and understanding of the topics discussed. Throughout the remainder of my undergraduate years I will continue to collaborate with colleagues in my community of practice to stimulate learning and gain additional insights into topics. Theories related to my learning journey have increased my understanding of the world of learning, which will help me with internship and teaching in the future. The theories helped me understand teaching styles, provided me with strategies to implement through my teaching, and aided me in my development as a teacher. I have also learned that education will forever change with new ideas and theories about learning, as a pre-service teacher and future teacher I must be open minded to these and continually develop my knowledge.