The attractive goldThe golden ratio is a very special number. This issue has as many encounters with the real world as in history and the arts. Many famous ancient people applied this ratio in such unique ways. There are many ways to explain the construction behind both the golden ratio and the golden rectangle. The fact that the Greeks called it “golden” demonstrates how important and valuable this numerical structure has been throughout history. It is very special because it has its own way of being created and how it is used in many different civilizations and continues into the present. So many occurrences are used with this special report 1.618033988749894848204586…. including architecture, art, business, science, music and nature. The history of the golden ratio is unknown as exactly when it was first discovered by mankind. It is very reasonable that the golden ratio has been found in different ways throughout history due to the different names by which it is known, such as phi (0.618). Many have used this ratio throughout history, such as Phidias, a Greek sculptor and mathematician, who studied phi and applied it to the design of sculptures for the Parthenon (Greek temple). Renaissance artists also used the golden ratio extensively in their paintings and sculptures to achieve balance and beauty. Leonardo da Vinci, a famous Renaissance artist, often used it to define all the basic proportions of his painting “The Last Supper”, a painting in which Christ and the disciples sat according to the proportions of the walls and windows in the background. Art historians have drawn diagrams on the image to show how it appears in de Vinci's masterpiece. One of the earliest applications of the golden ratio that is well known is… half of the paper… the story behind it is very unique as it came together from several different sources around the world such as the Greeks and Egyptians. The construction is very interesting on how the Golden Rectangle is able to self-generate and essentially continue infinitely. The Fibonacci number sequence gives the beautiful spiral appearance, known as the Golden Spiral and its ideas relate to the structure of plants found in nature. Art and architecture are also stunningly presented using Phi. Human DNA is surprisingly related to the Golden Ratio. Companies predict stocks and make industry logos using design very appealing to the consumer. There are so many applications of the golden ratio in the art world and it seems to have so much to offer from an examination of the past that the uses seem to be limitless even looking into the future.