Topic > Mental health disorders in the criminal justice system:...

Australian Institute of Criminology, 2007, The identification of mental health disorders in the criminal justice system, prepared by Ogloff, JRP, Davis, MR, Rivers , G. and Ross, S., Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra. In this research bulletin commissioned by the Criminology Research Council, Ogloff et al. review the level of screening and tools used in jurisdictions to assess mental illness in justice agencies. Ogloff et al. We intend to highlight the need for and support a national system of screening of all defendants taken into police custody, in order to identify those in need of a full mental health assessment. The authors based their research on interviews and examination of secondary documents relating to criminal justice agencies in each state and territory. From the research findings, the authors propose ten recommendations to improve the coverage and quality of mental illness screening in the Australian criminal justice system. This article is useful for my research topic since Ogloff et al. outline a fundamental question that requires further research, this could provide direction to my research question. The primary limitation of this bulletin arises from the fact that both cost models under consideration are based on the assumption that rates of mental illness in arrested populations are constant across jurisdictions and therefore their calculations should vary if evidence suggests otherwise. The authors suggest that unless courts, police and probation authorities receive training and resources to better meet the needs of the mentally ill, nothing will be achieved. The ideas contained in this research bulletin will form the basis of my research...... half of the article......, Rossiter, KR and Verdun-Jones, SN, 2011, '“Forensic” labelling: An empirical Assessment of its effects on self-stigma for people with severe mental illness", Psychiatry Research, vol. 188, no. 1, pp.115-122.DeVoe, D., 2003-2004, 'Mental health and criminal justice conundrum: solutions', Capital University Law Review, 2003-2004, pp. 925-933.Constantine, R., Andel, R., Petrila, J., Becker, M., Robst, J., Teague, G., Boaz, T. and Howe, A., 2010, 'Characteristics and experiences of adults with a serious mental illness who were involved in the criminal justice system', Psychiatric Services, vol -457.Australian Institute of Criminology, 2007, The identification of mental health disorders in the criminal justice system, prepared by Ogloff, JRP, Davis, M.R., Rivers, G. and Ross, S., Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.