How is this essay useful in the study of public administration? Wilson's “The Study of Administration” is insightful. His essay provides the foundation and greater understanding that administration is a field of business and needs separation from politics. His view of both politics and administrative matters can often be intertwined, causing convolutions with systems. Wilson addresses the need to improve and organize to eliminate clutter and perplexity. Perhaps the emphasis on why Wilson encourages the study of the “science of administration.” Wilson makes a comparison between the systems of government of America and Europe, and his intentions were not necessarily for America to do the same as Europe, but for us to explore and research other governments and public administrations, so that we could analyze and master ours. It is debatable why other governments have been more successful in some issues than ours here in America. Wilson expresses relevant concerns and arguments that government systems should be further studied and improved as it is crucial and ultimately beneficial to the nation and is