Should be completed satisfactorily once. Safety at the start of bunkering operations also requires that all relevant statements are taken into account and that the associated responsibility for compliance is accepted. The joint statement should not be signed until all parties have verified and accepted the responsibilities and obligations assigned to them.3. Safety During Refueling Operations Responsibility for the safe conduct of operations while a vessel receives barge supplies is shared jointly between the tanker and barge masters. Responsibility for the bunkering operation is usually delegated to designated responsible officers on the ship and barge. Some of the tasks to be performed by the officers before commencing the bunkering operation are:-i. Contact the person in charge of the facility or supply vessel at least once an hour via agreed means of communication to verify that the person is present and that communications are still working. ii. Before closing or changing a vessel's valve, notify the facility or bunker of possible pressure changes. iii. Maintain the bunkering rate within safe and agreed limits