Whether we understand it or not, these everyday insights into how and why people behave in certain ways are similar to what identity analysts do. While our casual assessments of identity tend to focus even more on people, identity analysts instead use identity sources that can apply to everyone. Identity research has stimulated the advancement of various speculations that help clarify how and why certain identity characteristics are created. The saying “identity” comes from the Latin persona, which means coverage. Basically, in the theater of the ancient Latin world, the veil was not used as a tool to disguise a character's personality, but rather was a tradition used to speak or embody that character. Identity is the state of being an individual. It is the set of characteristics and qualities, such as of character or conduct; those are curious about a particular individual. Identity is the example of the aggregate character, behavioral, volatile, passionate and mental attributes of an individual: regardless of the contrast between their identity, they got along as companions. Different characteristics of an individual, especially those that recognize individual qualities that make him socially engaging: the decision won more over identity than ability. The question of identity types, including disposition, is a brain science. In reality, it is much more established. The ancient Greeks, however, had predicted this impressively and had invented two measures of personality, suggesting four "types", depending on what kind of fluids (called humors) they had too much or too little of. This hypothesis became famous in medieval times. The cheerful guy is bright and hopeful, charming to be with, pleasant with his work. According to the Greeks, the cheerful type has a particularly abundant blood supply (later