Topic > Theories of Motivation and Job Satisfaction - 1271

Theories of Motivation and Job Satisfaction The idea of ​​motivation applies to internal elements that compel action and external elements that can function as stimuli to perform. There are several characteristics that can be influenced by motivation such as intensity and persistence. Furthermore, motivation goes beyond influencing individuals' skill acquisition and plays a role in the extent to which they use their skills and abilities. The belief is that an organization has excessive turnover and absenteeism is the result of poor job satisfaction. Excessive turnover and absenteeism will normally lead to the organization paying additional costs to hire and train new employees which can and normally will impact the company's bottom line. The problem of many companies today is the failure to recognize that job satisfaction is directly related to their profits and, therefore, they do not place job satisfaction as one of the urgent administrative priorities. This problem is based on the organizational failure to recognize the substantial benefits an organization could realize by making efforts to influence employee perspectives. When an organization has content-focused employees, they are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work and their employers. It is vital that organizations create a work environment that attracts, inspires and retains the best people who will in turn benefit the organisation. The objective of this assignment is to use theories of motivation and job satisfaction for a particular situation related to the motivation of this the author has observed or has knowledge of on a professional level. Furthermore, this author will examine how useful this theory is in clarifying the lack of effect... half of the article... and lessons of experience (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Quarstein, V. A., McAfee, R. B., & Glassman, M. (1992). The situational events theory of job satisfaction. Human Relations, 45(8), 859-873. Retrieved from, S. (2004). A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within organizations. Journal of the American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 5(1), 52-63. Retrieved from, C. (2012). Motivation and productivity in the workplace. Retrieved from https://www.westminstercollege.eduWright, B. E. (2004). The role of work context in work motivation: A public sector application of social cognitive goals and theories. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(1), 59.