Topic > Bullying in Children “So Funny I Forgot to Laugh”

Whether they have been bullied, bullied, or witnessed bullying, any source of information can help a child. Hypothetically speaking, if a child watched an episode, such as "So Funny I Forgot to Laugh", and recognized that they were being bullied just like Sue Ellen, then they might deal with the situation accordingly rather than let the bullying continue. “The best intervention is communication. Parents should be encouraged to talk with their children to discuss their views on bullying, what drives people to bully each other, what it feels like to be bullied or bully others, and effects that bullying behaviors have on students who are victims and bystanders" (Selekman and Vessey, 2004). Sue Ellen did not talk about the bullying with her parents, but she did talk about it with her teacher. Even though she didn't go to her parents, telling her teacher was the right thing to do to stop the bullying. The teacher was then able to address concerns with Arthur and bring to his attention the fact that he was bullying Sue Ellen and that bullying would not be tolerated at school. The message this sends is that children who are being bullied can turn to adults other than their parents for help if