Topic > GAPS Analysis Development Plan - 783

“GAPS analysis gaps help leadership professionals identify high-priority development needs…” (Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy 2012). The gaps in this analysis are the spaces between each step (Hughes et al., 2012). To fill these gaps, a development plan should be constructed (Hughes et al., 2012). “A good development plan is like a roadmap: it clearly identifies the final destination, defines intermediate stages or checkpoints, provides regular feedback to keep people on track, identifies when additional resources are needed, and provides time for reflection so people can periodically review progress and determine whether an alternative path is needed” (Hughes et al., 2012). Phase 1: Career Goals and Development (Hughes et al., 2012) Career Goal: Find a career in business administration career field and leaves career with United States Navy Development Goals:1. Continue to receive good evaluations and interim tests from current employer, United States Navy, to be able to obtain good references from provide to future employer.2. Future education with MBA from Yale or UCLA.3. Start networking Step 2: Criteria for success (Hughes et al., 2012) To achieve my goal of entering the career field. corporate, I will have to do some homework and start networking my chosen professional field. With the technology available today, I can easily achieve this by using Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. This new form of networking is called social networking (Shah 2013). “Social networking is a very broad concept that means connection of one being with another, one or more human beings” (Shah 2013). This is a very important skill for professionals just entering the field (Shah 2013). Since I haven't been in the... middle of paper... business management field yet. Step 6: Resources (Hughes, etc. 2012) Books to read:1. “The successful manager's manual” (Hughes et al., 2012)2. “For Your Betterment” (Hughes et al., 2012) Articles to read: http://work.chron . com/career-goals-new-hires-16840.html Subscription Services:Harvard Business ReviewBloomberg BusinessWorks citedBianca, A. ( 2013). “3 Steps to Achieving Your Stated Career Goals and Goals.” Work.Chrono. Demand Media.Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.C., & Curphy, G.J. (2012). Leadership: valuing the lessons of experience. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.Shah, S. (2013). Importance of social networks and communication for new professions. Golden thoughts from research. March 2013; 2(9):1-16.