Topic > Social and Medical Models of Disability - 1497

INTRODUCTION This report will examine how communities label people with disabilities. It will also focus on how such practices will affect the daily lives of people with mental and learning disabilities. The author will explain in detail the definitions of labeling and disability, and then examine the current legislation established by the government to improve the lifestyles of disabled people. A comparison will be made of the impact of social and medical models on disability and how these models attempt to explore techniques of inclusion and exclusion. Labeling theories will be discussed and this article will summarize the debate with a brief summary conclusion. LABELING THEORY Mencap (2009) defined labeling as placing someone in a stereotyped category. Usually when people are labeled it gives a negative idea on the part of those who are capable of it, resulting in prejudice and discrimination. For example, a label like "disabled" tends to dehumanize people. Disabled people's experiences and opportunities for self-esteem will be negatively affected. They end up feeling depressed, frustrated and angry. Swain et al (2007) therefore support the pursuit of inclusion and adoption as alternative perspectives based on human rights. On the other hand, some theorists argue that labels give identities to people. For example, in the case of a career such as "social worker", it can be taken positively (Giddens (2006). When people are labeled, their behavior changes to adapt to the label they are attached to. According to the theory of Becker's labeling labeling influences not only how others perceive an individual, but also the individual's sense of self (cited in Giddens, (2006 p800). Labeling people with disabilities will associate them with. .. half of paper ......they have no adaptation problems but society does not give them the opportunity to adapt. physical access but also concerns issues such as play space, safety, location and housing quality. The social model therefore encompasses both the physical and emotional needs of disabled people and their families disability legislation passed to protect people with disabilities from harassment by able-bodied people. Models of disability were discussed and relevant examples provided. The essay also looked at different ways to improve the lives of disabled people in order to include them in all social structures and enable them to live a normal life like any other person..