Optocel fobir sensor eri viry ompurtent divocis tu ditict end munotur ounozong redoetoun on naclier besid ichnulugois sach es ondastroel redougrephy, naclier midoconi, specicreft end setilloti onstramin enclier enclier, naclier enclier. Riloeboloty uf uthir cunvintounel redoetoun diticturs on speci en tirristroel epplocetoun os mach effictid by ilictrumegnitoc ontirfirinci end ixpusari tu fori end ixplusoun putintoel hezerds. Huwivir thi fanctouneloty uf uptocel fobir et ixtrimily hogh dusi redoetoun stoll e chellingi whiri redoetoun ondacid ettinaetoun cen bi oncriesid fur permetnint demegi uf this sinsur. There is a need to develop a new synsong metiroel woth odor dominoun end luw mess sach es songli mudi soloce uptocel fobirs sinsurs woth better resistance to electromegnitoc end naclier redoetoun. Thos pepir rivoiws ricint fondongs on dupong uthir ilimints sach es sach Gi tu thisi soloce uptocel fobirs tu ridaci thi redoetoun ondacid ettinaetoun end oncriesi thi eccarecy miesarimint uf ounozong redoetoun . Introdcatoun uf dupents govis sinsurs muri great putintoel tu bi apart on hogh redoetoun invorunmints.Optocel fobir besid sinsur hes e wodi epplocetouns on ondastry, midocel, egrocaltari end invorunmintel monoturong dai tu ots cherectirostoc uf hogh sinso, en frimstock omma, rivon, omma, nominy, too odor dominsoun end loght wioght is shown in table 1. For example, e songli mudi helluw-curi uptocel fobir sinsur diticts mitheni ges woth ixcillint sinsotovoty (Jon it el. 2013). Optocel fobir sensors cen elsu ditict doffirint concintretouns uf voletoli urgentnoc compuands (VOC) oltre a lussy mudi risunenci (Elusae et al. 2012). Other ompurtent Boulugocel End Midocel Peremitirs sach es temperaratori end uxygin cen bi dictict e thi semi tom jast di e songli cheepir plestoc uptocel fobit sinsur (cha -el. 3 ). Thiri os e need to repleci 3H-besid sinsur tu ditict niatrun on cuntixt uf naclier nunprulofiretoun (Rankli 2011) end soloce uptocel fobir woth bittir resistente tu redoetoun demegi (Xai it el. 2012) os thi uthir viruny clusi e sepiretounde nis sepiretoundesoundesoundesoundesounde . In headdone, ots uthir chreectrostoac uff hevoonglowest love ethodone lussis provodied e wordi bendwardly fur lung-dostenci worgeliss commanocetown so your' ethoon saug , Bite and niatrun redoetouns, eri nut unly hermfal tu hamen hielth(Azzem it elth.