This, as well as numerous others, are part of the notable conclusions that Gawande leaves the reader with. Furthermore, it explains and shows how medicine always needs and will improve. One example where this is shown is in “The Score,” where Gawande illustrates how the field of midwifery was developed. This chapter explains how specific techniques, such as forceps and cesarean section, are performed and how the Apgar score reduces the infant mortality rate. Furthermore, another great example of how it is useful to improve medicine is shown in “The Bell Curve”. In this section the author highlights how important it is to always try to improve the medical success rate. In the case of “The Bell Curve”, the improvement occurred through discussion between doctor and patient. As you can see, these two sections are just some of the main examples of why it is important to always improve medicine. Another conclusion the author helps draw is that healthcare is complex. Health care is not for the benefit of either the patient or the doctor. That said, healthcare still plays a key role in patient health. There are many notable conclusions and arguments in Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance in which Gawande produces