IntroductionAccording to the definition provided by the academic education web portal, human resource management has replaced personnel management over time and consists of various strategies, policies and processes. International human resource management (IHRM) is a "process of hiring, developing and rewarding people in international or global organizations". Types of Organizations While focusing on IHRM in the vast developing economic nature, it is very important to know the difference between various types of organizations. Global companies are those that are present in many countries by investing, and at the same time market their products through the use of the same coordinated image/brand in all markets. What is special is that there is a corporate office responsible for the global strategy that focuses on volume, cost management and efficiency. While international companies are importers and exporters and do not invest outside their country of origin. Transnational corporations have similar characteristics, they invest in other countries, have a central corporate structure, but transfer their decision making, research and development activities and marketing powers to each individual foreign market. Multinational companies focus more on developing unique products and services for each individual foreign market that will be matched to their culture and economy. (Lee Iwan web portal) Global Environment Influences Cross-Border Management When we manage cross-border in different countries, there are various factors that should be considered in order to successfully engage human resource principles. According to the mode of study there are f...... half of the paper...... human resource management and what are the types of organizations that exist in today's business world. The global environment such as culture, education, skills and legal system affects management across borders. Regarding IHRM we need to be more specific when we recruit expatriates, we should ensure that they can easily adapt to the culture and environment of the host country. Some modern techniques such as the use of social media, etc. are applicable in international personnel recruitment and selection. Also, we need to focus more on the person's experience, family status, etc. during selection. Training and development are important to employee success and timely compensation should be provided. Performance appraisal will help employees to correct their work-related problems and improve in the future.