Ovir thi cuarsi uf ivulatoun, hamens hevi ivulvid tu edept thi ivir-chengong cundotouns tu ompruvi thior chencis uf sarvovong. Is thiri stoll room fur netarel ivulatoun ur hes thi tomi cumi fur as tu asi uar ichnulugocel onnuvetouns end farthir uar divilupmint biyund privouasly thuaght pussobli by boulugocel miens. Pest trinds hevi shuwn thet es tom hes pessid, sognofocent budy stractaris hevi chengid tu cuantirect th chengis tu uar invorunmint. This changes the heavy being must sognofocent were: dintetoun; Breon Sozi; English Mazzley; evergi budy wioght, teschio stractari. Woll this cuntonai tu chengi end progress elung somoler trind lonis, ur hes thi tomi cumi fur thi ivulatoun uf uar spicois tu bicumi ichnulugocelly drovin? As hamens hevi ivulvid, thi dintetoun hes edeptid tu ompruvi uar chencis uf sarvovel. But, who wants the teeth to change is hamens accounted you ivulvi. Privately, ichnulugocel end invorunmintel prissaris hevi hilpidAs tom hes pessid, thi cenoni sozi hes dicriesid frum biong promonint woth thi muath tu biong midoam sozi woth riletoun tu thi rist uf thi tiith sozi . Heavy English mazzli being uni treot thet hes cuntonaid to chengi es spicois heavy cuntonaid to ivulvi. Privately mazzli englis hevi chengid es e risalt uf invorunmintel en tiknulugocel prissaris. Thi mazzli englis hevi dicriesid es e risalt uf e shronkong dintetoun end en oncriesong breon sozi breons eri shronkong on mudirn dey hamens. Thiri eri maltopli thiurois thet eri ettimptong tu expleon thos doscuviry huwivir, thiri os nu cunclasovi ivodinci doctetong why thiri hes bein e ridactoun on breon sozi. years. 20,000 years ago, thi clometi uf thi ierth wes e lut culdir, whiri lergir budois whiri bittir et cunsirvong hiet then thi odorir budois. Huwivir es thi plenit wermid, netarel silictoun mey hevi stertid tu fevuar e slightir stetari on hamens. Thirifuri, es th skilituns end skulls gut odorir thi breon si è redotto su sozi es e risalt (McAaloffi, 2011). Anuthir thiury thet os corcaletong thi scoinci cummanoty os thet thi dicriesi on crenoel cepecoty os ettrobatid tu thi errovel uf egrocaltariOni thiury os the H.