The United States is in recession and dependent on foreigners to power their country. Oil companies are taking advantage of the power they have over gas prices and the economy is at one of the lowest points in our entire history. You can see that, from the way things are going now, a change needs to happen for America to get back on its feet. Drastic changes will be necessary if we are to continue to enjoy life in a very advanced and important country. By developing appropriate offshore drilling techniques and alternative energy, America could eliminate its debt and reduce its dependence on foreign oil. As it stands, oil companies have a solid understanding of the American economy. With the increase in the price of oil, the price of life also increases. Not only that, but they get away with paying their dues. “Oil companies have escaped more than $60 billion in royalties due to a loophole to access more leases. The United States is the world's third-largest oil producer, and 31% of that production comes from land owned by federal government" (Offshore drilling will enrich big oil companies 2). America retains this title even though "American crude oil productivity has declined since 1985" (Crude Oil Production 1). Currently, oil is becoming more expensive and hurting the economy, while America is becoming more and more dependent on foreign oil; decreasing productivity and restricting offshore drilling. The oil industry is making immense profits. Oil companies that secured leases in 1998 and 1999 did not pay royalties, even though a bill signed into law in November 1995 required that royalties be paid in proportion to the oil profit made. An example of a company that profits from this is "West Texas Inte...... middle of paper ...... national security. As voters and future voters, we must vote for candidates who understand the enormous importance of using renewable energy and offshore drilling to jump-start the economy and keep America as a powerful figure It will cost billions of dollars to research and perfect offshore drilling, but it is a long-term investment that will have a payoff. huge return. If America fails in alternative energy research and offshore drilling has multiple spills, the worst thing that could happen is that we get further into debt. The country is already deeply in debt will spur growth Fossil fuels won't last forever. America leads the charge in renewable energy, we can continue to be a very powerful nation and get the economy back on track..